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Acquisition:  Identification of property(ies) meeting specific client investment/ development objectives.  Assistance in negotiation of contract terms leading to the successful consummation of real estate transactions for the lease and/or purchase of fee title and/or easements.


Due Diligence: Identification, review, and/or analysis of physical, environmental, regulatory, political, and title constraints/ opportunities, including highest-and-best use evaluations.


Sales/ Leasing:  Assistance to clients/ brokers/ appraisers in the identification and/or review of comparable markets analyses (CMA), as well as the identification of other extraneous land use/ environmental factors potentially affecting value, utilized to establish listing price and/or terms.


Design:  Establishment of initial design concepts and management of design/ programming efforts.


Entitlements:  Assembly and management of project teams focused on the development of unique and creative solutions which seek to avoid known and/or foreseeable constraints. Review of CEQA/ NEPA environmental documents for adequacy.  Substantial experience in addressing endangered/ treated species issues. Negotiation of permit conditions of approval, development agreements, development impact fees, and bonds.  Active promotion of projects through outreach and meetings with public agency staff, neighbors, interested community members, citizen groups, and decision-makers.


Permit Expediting/ Processing:  Associated with New Construction and Tenant Improvements, act as permit expeditor for timely review and approval of parcel maps/ tract maps, land use permits, coastal development permits, building permits, grading permits, road encroachment permits, and wet-dry utility service connections.  


Expert permitting, licensing, and compliance services for the cultivation, retail, manufacturing, distribution, and processing of cannabis (marijuana).  Our experienced planners prepare and manage local agency permits/ licensing applications, as well as related efforts with State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), California Department of Fish & Wildlife (CDFW), CalCannabis/ California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), Bureau of Cannabis Control (BCC), and the California Department of Public Health (CDPH).


Oversight and documentation services related to Construction/ Environmental Compliance & Mitigation Monitoring work associated with wetlands, stormwater pollution prevention plans (SWPPPs), erosion control plans/ best management practices (BMPs), cultural resources, protected biological species, and permit compliance.


Assistance to municipal governments with project management, policy and research analysis, land use and development permit processing, environmental impact analysis, negotiating development agreements, and related updates to General Plans, Specific Plans and/or Zoning Ordinances. Our contract planning services include both on-site staffing and project-based assignments.





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